Idea's and thoughts about training from Robert Jay Arnold, AKA the Warfox.
The story of my life
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I am writing a book which is kind of like an auto biography of all of the events that have shaped my life. If you are interested in all the details you can check out the site.
As children we are taught the importance of imagination for the purpose of keeping busy, being creative or just having fun with friends. More than likely because it is introduced to us at such an early age, it’s generally depicted as childish or even worse…a form of fantasy. We often forget that our bodies in many ways are like a universe, made of 30 trillion cells with different functions, most of which are automated, keeping us alive without us needing to understand the extent of their purpose. However, every so often a thought about what we are made of can help us understand a hint of our value, direction and most importantly, perception. What does it mean to perceive something? How is it different from seeing, viewing or witnessing an event? The word “per” as one definition states is containing the largest possible portion of an element. This means as a “per son” you contain the most of who you are. The word “ceive” means to obtain or to get something. In short, we coul...
In my free time I enjoy reading and translating Chinese classical novels. Here's the first scene from one of them. If you are interested in something like this, please leave a message. Thanks and God bless. This story is called The White Jade Tiger, written by Gu long. Published in 1976 Chapter One It's an enchanting spring day, an exceptionally important day for someone in particular. Willy Zhao, lays on the warm bed attempting to regain strength after the long ride. His steed, powerful and quick, had taken him over 200 miles in a relatively short time. Still, afterwards he found the need to rest his head on the soft and fragrant sheets. The bed belonged to a woman, Shanna, who is even softer and more fragrant than the luxurious mattress. Every time she knew she would meet with Willy, she attempted to make herself even more desirable. The rays of the sun shine through the window, the breeze carries in the aroma of the abundant flowers surrounding the house. As Willy l...
The second installment of the adventure's of Willy Zhao. If you missed the first piece, go back to part 1. After Willy Zhao had paid off everything he owed, he is feeling like a million dollars as he sets off on his steed for his special day. The only thing that is slightly troubling is that Shanna didn't protest his departure at all. In fact, she brought his horse to him. Maybe she was already out of tears. "You've already made up your mind to leave." Shanna says, almost reading his thoughts. "Once Willy Zhao has made up his mind, no one can change it." "Thanks for understanding me." Willy smiles. Although Willy is truly grateful for being understood, he can't help feeling responsible for Shanna's sadness. "I know one day you will come back to see me." Shanna responds. "I'm never coming back." Willy replies. "It's already painful enough leaving you one time." Everyone in their youth does things...