Bagua vs Grappling

A lot of students who practice the internal arts ask me about what techniques are best used when facing grapplers. Of course there is no one movement solution because grappling is alive and many factors can change what would be the most effective solution. But here are a few tips I have found useful for my training.

First you must have a proper root before trying to use any techniques, defensive or offensive. This comes from practicing strikes and blocks from a low and agile stance. In Bagua we say, "When you are moving you are like water, but when we stop we are like a mountain." These means we must be low and fast at the exact same time. If you haven't trained your stances enough you will find yourself exausted in just a few minutes. When someone shoots in on you they have to have their base lower than your own. If you can train yourself to always have a lower base than your opponent while being able to strike and evade then you have already one half of the battle.

Second you must be aware of your opponents intentions. It isn't hard to know when someone wants to go down to the ground, in fact that is almost all people seem to want to do these days. When he is about to grab you is when you have your greatest opportunity. His head, neck, throat and shoulders are all exposed to you now. If you have a strong stance you can meet his force with an elbow strike from below or attacks to the chin and temple. The biggest pressure point on the head is the ear. If you are in a real fight, smack the ear with the palm which will bust the eardrum. You can also pull the ear off depending on what kind of situation you are in. There are much more severe pressure points you could use but without a video it is easier to just describe the easy ones. If you are attacking a charging bull you should understand two things. Where ever the head goes, the body goes. Never fight fire with fire....fight it with water. When he shoots towards your legs he is already off balance and is using you to break his fall. So you have to use your footwork to only let him get a slice of you (if anything at all). If you are in a rooted position a slice won't be enough to take down your tree. While he adjusts to get the rest of you, you must control the head. Turn his head so that it is facing upward to keep him from reaching the rest of your body. Be careful, if you turn his head to quickly while his weight is dropping it is easy to break his neck. You should find controlling his head easy if you are using internal structure to direct his energy.

Other useful techniques include using a hooking or clawing technique on the inside of his cheek. Intense pain always distracts an opponent. The pressure point's on the face line up with the nose. The top of the lip right at the base of the nose, the top of the nose between the eyes, the bottom of the lip and the chin. Remember that the larger your striking object the more external the damage. If you smack the skin, it is mostly spread arcross the surface, a fist goes a little deeper, a knuckle even deeper, and a finger is the deepest. When striking these facial pressure points it is best that you are using a knuckle for deeper damage. Alas if you are wearing gloves, pressure points are almost impossible to hit.

Still before you decide what technique you can use, you must be very good at your footwork. If you are on the tracks when the train comes, all of your plans are going out the window. So find a friend to help you practice avoiding the shoot. It may be frustrating at first because nothing good comes easy. They say that it takes 1 year to be effective with wrestling, 5 years to be effective with striking (boxing, muay thai, etc.) and ten years to be effective with the internal arts. So if you just started learning the arts, be patient. You are investing in the long term plan.
Chinese Translation) 中文翻譯

首先,你必須有一個好的基礎,然後試著用任何可以防禦或進攻。這來自於以往是否熟練於讓身體的重心保持低和靈活的狀態。在八卦我們說:“當你移動時像是水,但當我們停止我們就像一座山。”這說明了,在快速移動而短暫的打鬥時間內,無論如何都必須採取重心低的姿勢。如果平時沒能訓練的足夠,將會很快發現自己的時間相當有限。當有人對你在攻擊 他們必須先找到低於自己的位置。如果你能訓練自己習慣用較低的姿勢採取攻擊下,在與真正與對手較量時,又能打擊和閃躲,那麼你已經有一半的勝算。

第二你必須了解你的對手的意圖。這不難得知,當今所有的搏鬥競技項目中幾乎都採用先抓住敵人要點的方式,所以,當他將要制伏於你時,就是你出手最好的時機。這時他很可能暴露了頭部,頸部,喉部和肩膀。如果你有一個紮實穩固的姿勢,你能輕易的看見他的弱點,接著用肘部攻擊或從下面攻擊下巴。耳朵是頭部能給予最大壓力的部位。如果你是在實際打鬥中,手掌力量和拍擊聲能使耳膜受傷甚至爆裂。這要視當時情況緊急與否而定,當被威脅生命時,甚至可以把對方的耳朵撕扯下來,其實還有很多有效攻擊性的方式可以使用,但是因為沒有影片的示範,所以只能略為説明些簡單的方法。如果當有一個人,突然衝向你,你應該明白兩件事;能控制對方的頭部就表示能控制他整個身體。別用火隊副火;該用水對付火。當他要重新抓住你的腿時,他的雙腿已經失去平衡,所以,這時必須使用你的步伐,利接著用在他不利於抓到你雙腿的位置,這時便可箝制他的頭。你必須控制他的頭,為了能改變他頭的方向。要小心,因為重力加速度原因 ,他的頭很容易就能折斷。如果能使用由內部發出有結構性的的力量,應該就能找到能控制他頭部最好施力的位置。

劇烈的疼痛始終是能分散對手的方法。涵蓋了些有用的技巧包括;頭頂 眼睛中間 人中 下巴的下面都是攻擊點,請記住,越大越顯著的瘀血擴散的僅僅是表面的皮肉傷而以。如果用的是拍打的方式,受傷的地方會明顯的在表皮表面上擴散,而拳頭可以深入體內,其次是關節,最深入要害的是手指。


pconcept said…
Hey Fox,
it's Peir, the girl who trains hard
at cali gym.
i found your blog while searching for kungfu. i thought it'd be nice to drop you a line just to say Hi and keep it up.


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