How I Got Started

Me and my two brothers were forced to start martial arts when we were four years old under the instruction of our father. I started with Taekwondo and as I grew up, branched into other styles: Hapkido, Aikido, Ninjitsu, Jeet kun do, Capoeria, etc. When I was about 19, I began studying Chinese to further enhance my knowledge of the arts. I then came to Taiwan to study the "roots" and fell in love with Bagua.

The complete Gao-style Bagua system is said to have 8,864 combat related movements, not including Pre-heaven techniques or weapons. Each of the 8 Gua parts have 8 movements. Each of these 8 movements have 6 applications. There are 23 basic steps of entry which, when incorporated with the above, add up 8,832 unique combinations. There remain 8 hidden moves with six applications each.

My quest is to find these movements through heavy training and research. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, hit me up.


Unknown said…
Hi there,

Nice site. I've recently gotten interested in Bagua after learning a really small bit of Chenstyle taiji. I haven't had a martial arts training, and I'm years away from any sort of skill.

I am totally enjoying your site and videos on youtube.

Thanks for sharing them. I hope one day to learn the actual thing.


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