Competition in Fu Zhou
I recently had an amazing experience in a martial arts competition in Fu Zhou, China on Dec 12, 2008. It was a competion between all of the masters or "participating masters" from Taiwan v.s. the masters of Fu Zhou and other regions of China. Even though I am not big on competition myself, but was honored to be a representitave of the Taiwanese team as well as traditional martial arts. The tournament took two days and the members of the Taiwanese team travelled together for 5 days. It was a wonderful opportunity to work with many masters hands on and learn the differences between the many different styles. I believe that trying to compare so many arts and masters and to say who is better or more effective is impossible. So the trophies and medals I don't really pay attention to. But the best part of the experience was being accepted as a master of the traditional arts. It was incredible being able to talk to the other masters regarding history, culture and the future of t...