Zombie Bite

Looking back at my life and the different martial arts that I studied it seems obvious that I was destined to do Bagua. In both our life and our training we are given a series of obstacles to overcome so that we may find or better understand ourselves. We are not flesh, but energy and the nature of our energy maintains the same pattern in all of our activities. As I've said many times the problems you have in your training/fighting are the same problems that you have in your life style. In fact life is really a series of mirrors that continues to show you your weakness and strength through endless forms and patterns. Those who manage to understand their energy find true peace and happiness. While the majority of us never find the signature of our energy and continue to repeat the same mistakes. This of course results in a life that feels frustrating, exhausting or even meaningless. There are various methods that people offer to help you find your "purpose" which inv...