The Bear
To all my fans and supporters I would like to say to you first, I love you. You are the are the jelly in my doughnut. I enjoy sharing my experiences, ideas and hope we can continue to grow closer to truth together. I only wish to serve you, the reader, with hopes that be it kung fu, or life you you will be able to obtain the highest level of true achievement. Let's talk a little bit about a kicking strategy that I learned when I was a youth. I have mentioned several times that my background in the martial arts was spawned from living in an abusive neighborhood. So everything that my father told us about our training was crucial for our safety and survival. "Your kick only has power at the height that you can hold it. If you can only do the kick fast, but you can't control every part of the technique, it is a fake kick." He told us one day while we practiced holding the kick that was making my face squirm through a slide show of expressions while trying to block...