A wise master once said that training the secret arts is much like excavating an ancient ruin. In the ruin can be found a hidden city with jewels a treasures that are almost unimaginable. Once we return to the surface to proclaim our discoveries, we find that the world doesn't understand a word that we are saying. As if touching these treasures has somehow changed our ability to communicate with those who are unwilling to explore themselves. My own metaphor carries the same meaning but differs slightly. The martial arts is like a magnificent lap top computer that can be used to solve any problem if you enter the right data. However people continually treat this lap top as a plate for food. Piling spaghetti and meatballs along the keys of their computer as they brag about how many meaningless fights they have won. In the end they have completely destroyed their art for something much less valuable in return. Many masters would say that it is better that these arts are not fou...