Bagua Count

 This is not really a post, but a list of numbers that can me accessed by students curious of our Xin Zhu Bagua Association. Keep in mind that I have only written out the movements that I have learned. I know there is still much more Bagua gooey goodness to learn.

Pre Heaven ( Circle) 10
Second Circle 10
9 Palaces 1
Post heaven 64
Post heaven Counters 64
Post heaven two person practice 64
Unlimited (Formless) Fist 28
Seven Stars 42 
Seven Stars (Set 2) 33
Footwork Steps 25
Qing Ping Sword 60
Qin Ping Sword (Set 2) 60
Baji 68
6 Connecting Kicks 27
Guan Dao 40
Tai Chi 96
Strange Spear 26
Bagua Staff 128
Bagua Spear 126
Stealth Tiger Saber 40
6 Harmony Saber 40
Push Hands 9
Wudang Fist 56
Hooks 12
Three Principle Fist 30
12 Steps of Power 12
Five Elements (5)  (12) 

Sometimes you have to lay it all out so you can see it. 
 Thank you Master Wu Guo Zheng for 10 lifetimes of kung fu. 


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